The Greatest Weight Loss Article Of All Time

Alright, so it may be a tiny exaggeration. And even if it wasn’t, my opinion may be slightly biased considering that I am the writer. And sure, using fun attention-getting titles is something I’m a big fan of doing. However, what I can say with absolute certainty is that “the greatest weight loss article of all time” is exactly what I set out to put together.

A couple of weeks ago I mentioned that this is the week when millions of people around the world make their New Year’s Resolutions. I also mentioned that the #1 resolution may very well be to lose weight.

I then mentioned something that probably sounded a bit strange… that you should not spend a second of your time doing anything weight loss related. Don’t research. Don’t learn. Don’t buy. Whatever you do, don’t go out and look for weight loss. My reason for this of course was that I was going to “bring weight loss to you.”

And now, as promised, I present to you (I’m also a huge fan of overly dramatic introductions)…

The Ultimate Weight Loss Guide

As for a brief description, I’ll let its first paragraph do the describing:

This is it, folks. This is the first, last and only weight loss article you will EVER need to read. Only, this is much more than an article. This, my friends, is a guide. In fact, it’s the ultimate weight loss guide. It’s a collection of every single thing you will ever need to know about losing weight. Every helpful tip, every useful fact… it’s all here, compiled in one place, just for you.

If you need to lose weight, this is EVERYTHING you’ll need.

Oh, and Happy New Year!

136 thoughts on “The Greatest Weight Loss Article Of All Time”

  1. I want to thank you for saving me $39.99! Just before I read your article, I had decided to purchase “Burn Fat, Feed Muscle”. However, now that I have read your article, I don’t feel like there is anything additional that I need to know to lose these 25 pounds! You make it so simple! Thank you from my check book and from me!

  2. I just happened to stumble on your page, and I am so glad I did! I have tried everything from just plain starving myself to Atkins. Sure, you lose “weight,” but it always came creeping back. I am older and smarter now and want to shed a couple of pounds the healthy and right way. This article is now a favorite, and I will turn to it and make sure I keep on track. You are a genius for bringing out the simple truths of weight loss. Thank you!

  3. I looooooooved your article. So easy and fun to read. And clear and concise. I am recommending it to all my friends and family.

    Thank you SO much for writing it. It has helped me a lot and I am sure it will for many years to come.

    Thank you!

  4. WOW.Best article ever!!You did great job my friend.It has helped me a lot and as I can see too many other people.Keep up inspiring us!

  5. I REALLY wish I had read this about 10 years ago. I could have saved a fortune on the many different diet books I’ve bought. I will pass this on. Thanks.

  6. Thank-you. I have been telling people this stuff for years, but with all the other “weight loss professionals” (proffiteers) saying the opposite sometimes, it was hard to be believed. After putting on so much weight during pregnancy (and after) i started to believe that maybe i was wrong. I see now that i am not, and i can do this. I liked to call this the chocolate frog diet, if you want to lose weight, dont eat the chocolate frog, or play 20mins of squash to burn it off. Dont want to play 20 mins of squash or the equivelent in some other excersise? Then dont eat the chocolate frog or have a salad for dinner. Nothing tastes better than losing weight and staying healthy.

  7. What a wonderful thing to do – putting this up for free in order to help people (like me) get real about what dieting is, and isn’t.

    I’ve tried everything, and although this was basically the first info I learned about weight loss oh so many years ago, it was buried somewhere beneath all the the books and scams and “methods” – you brought it back to the surface and gave some very helpful hints to get it working.

    Thanks so much for all your time and effort!

  8. Thank you sooo much for the article. I just knew when I first stumbled across your article, that I was going to be ask to purchase something. Thank you for caring enough to write and give so much information that many of us just didn’t realize. I’ve told others about your article, keep up the great work, you will recieve a huge blessing for it!!! God bless!!!

  9. Your article is incredible! I recently joined a program that follows pretty much EVERYTHING you detail. The only difference is you gave this information for free and I paid over $1500 for it!

    However, I suppose that’s not all true. For my payment I did get a personal trainer, meal plan, weekly monitoring by a nutritionist, and gym membership, and this all does a lot for motivation.

    Thank you for your article – I plan to check back often!

  10. Thank you. I just finished reading the Ultimate Guide and it confirmed everything I have always believed about weight loss. I turned 37 in November and weigh 185 lbs at 5 feet 1 inch tall. I am heavier now than when I went into labor with my first born son. I decided that this is the year for me to get healthy again. I am determined to fit back into my size 10 clothes by the time I turn 40. I figure 2 and a half years will get me there. I intend to get my husband (6 feet, 240 lbs.) healthy as well by then. Thank you for this site. It is immensely helpful with keeping track of what I eat each day.

  11. I just finished reading this guide, and it is awesome! Every tip or fact I learned really gave me a great idea on what to do and how to maintain a healthy diet and lifestyle. You did a great job writing it, and you have a funny/motivating attitude too=)!

  12. Thank you. Your site is an island of sanity amid all the craziness that surrounds diet and nutrition. You debunk the hype and clarify the important information. Your efforts are a gift to all of us; and I felt compelled to acknowledge that gift.

  13. Thank you for sharing freely on your website all you know about dieting and nutrition. It is so stimulating to see that some people truly care about the world and the people we live in and do want to make a difference by helping others with no other intention. That’s awesome!

  14. G’day buddy.

    That’s a great article you just read. It’s all true too. I’ve tried numerous ‘diets’ but they all failed. However, I just started to eat sensibly and exercise. Long story short I’ve lost 45kg and I went from 119 to 75kg.

    Great article, if you’re looking to lose weight it honestly is the only thing you should read.


  15. I have been looking for something to help me start on the road of weight loss and i found it here. I am so happy that you put this out for all the people to see and understand so they can lose weight. thank you SO much!!!!

  16. Thank you for writing this. I get so frustrated with all of the fad diets and promises. I hope people will read this and finally understand that this is the only “magic” diet they need. GREAT job!!!!

  17. Thank you for this site. It is the only thing Ihave needed to read ever. I really like the way you put it plain the amount of protein, fat and carbs my body needs. I also liked the fact that any exercise will help you lose as I am handicapped and can’t walk very well. Thank you from the bottom of my heart. I have tried to lose weight over 33 years for all the wrong reasons. Now I am losing for me–to make me healthy and happy. Thank you and God bless you.

  18. Thank you for doing the research. I spend more time at my computer then anything so I was looking up as many facts as I could on healthy weight loss, calories, foods ect. I have been working on a program based on your site and my lifestyle for a week. Because I am overweight reducing my diet a few hundred calories and doing some light walking I lost 5lbs. I expect it to taper off to a lb or 2 but alot of it was water, just the jump I needed in order to want to balance my life and health. Thank you again for the awesome one click reference guide.

  19. Oh My God!!! I’ve never read something that condensed ever ever before!!
    That gave me all the information required in a informative yet convincible way!! i really loved it!
    I’m starting on it from today!

  20. Love your article – easy to read and straight to the point. Thank you very much for the enlightenment on weight. Now if only there was a similar article for my golf game.

  21. You rule. So simple, so straight-forward. The extreme lack of douchebaggery that takes place on this website is astounding.

  22. How fortunate for me (all of us) that I stumbled onto this site. For nearly three weeks I have been tracking my caloric intake, and I have stuck to it. I am walking every day and keeping myself busy with projects and activities. This has been so important to avoid boredom when I am working or at home.
    My one pitfall is that I am so afraid of eating anything that is higher in calories and I know I need to eat more foods higher in protein. Are there any low calorie, high protein foods that I should consider?
    Thank you for all your work. I feel confident that I can do this and lose 15 pounds that I have carried around for the past 5 years.

  23. A clear and to the point article. I follow the Hacker’s Diet” for years now and it works for me.
    This article sums up the same principles in a more concise way.
    For me, daily weighing was the best method to keep on track.
    It became a habit that hardly requires attention.
    I use a weight tracking tool to record weight over time (

  24. I LOVED this article!! It was wonderfully informative and helpful!
    It was very well written and very motivation!!

  25. This is by far THE BEST GUIDE on weight loss i have ever read! Amazing! Its simple,has all the information you need and the best part is that this guider works!

    I say pull all those other weight loss guides of the net and publish this everywhere..
    For years i have tried looking for the best guide and this it. if i had a billion thumbs i wud point em straight up for the ULTIMATE WEIGHT LOSS GUIDE!!


  26. This was such a great thing to stumble upon. I had a baby about the time this article came out. I am tired of the extra weight, and I wasn’t about to do some crazy fad diet. I have been spending the better half of the day reading up on this subject. I was so frustrated! I couldn’t seem to figure out a way to map out a plan that I can stick to. Now I have one after reading this article. After plugging in the numbers of what I ate today (not dieting) I was sickened! It made sense that I wasn’t losing weight even though I am chasing my toddler all day. So I took the dreadful pictures of myself, and even forced myself in my pre pregnancy pants, to track my progress! Guess we’ll see! But thank you!

  27. this is a great article that is bullshit free… thank you soo much for having the decency to write it… its gold.. we need more people like you in the world my friend.
    thanks again

  28. Two years ago I did probably the smartest thing of my entire life, I quit smoking, but at the same time I did one of the dumbest things I have ever done, I quit working with our race horses. (cleaning stall, raking the shed row, bucking hay, etc) and as a consequence I gained 30 pounds.
    Now I am 66 years old, packing too much weight and wondering how I am going to be able to safely take it off.
    Thanks to you I have found my weight loss program. One that is safe, healthy, and as long as I pay attention, will work.
    Thank you so much for publishing your program.
    You are a true hero to those of us out here in the overweight world.

  29. Absolutely the best weight loss article I’ve ever read. Isn’t it funny how we make things so much harder than we have to? Kudos to you and all that read, and follow, your advice!

  30. I just started back doing the “right things” to lose fat and gain strength. Reading your cite was so inspirational! I truly thank you for keeping it real and making it simple yet informative.

  31. I have gone from 152ish to about 143ish after reading and using your site 🙂 My weight loss has slowed down a bit, but I’m hoping to get down to 135-140. I’m fitting so much better in my clothes! I finally feel like I understand how to eat and be satisfied.


    … and thank you for sharing this! You are truly making a positive difference in other people’s lives by freely sharing this “no non-sense” guide. I will pay it forward.

  33. This is a very detail and easy to understand article. I am very motivated to start applying these suggestions to my lifestyle. Keep up the good work. Thanks !

  34. I can’t thank you enough for this guide. I’ve read so much junk out there, I was confused. However, your guide was easy to understand and follow. I am finally able to determine exactly what my daily intake should be to lose weight and maintain health. Thanks a million!!!!

  35. So far, its the most realistic and practical approach to people like me who is interested to lose weight without having to resort having for such useless programs advertised in the website. Thanks alot for such awesome and useful tips and guidelines to change from fat to fit through your methods.

    Yes. I fully agreed that being staying slim and healthy is no longer a diet but a change of lifestyle which we have to follow because there is no free lunch in this world. We have to work on it. Seeing pretty good shapes and sexy figures are no magic but we have to work on it.

    Thanks…thanks and appreciate you alot for such good and wholesome advice and i am sure lots of people will benefit from this website and please keep coming with such tips for people like me who knows nothing but depends on websites like yours to help us to stay slim and with no money charged!

    Its the best next thing to heaven….

    Constance Foong

  36. I just wanted to thank you for coming up with such a nice comprehensive guide. While I know most of the things it contained, I bookmarked it for reference. I think this will help a lot of people. I do have one suggestion. There is a wonderful free website for tracking weightloss called I have been using it for 2 years now and its really helpful in being able to see your recorded weights in a graph to track your progress.

    Thanks again

    Down 60 pounds in 18 months, its slow progress, but its progress regardless.

  37. I loved your article! I learned a lot of new information regarding diet/ exercise. You were very to the point which many articles don’t do, and your writing style kept me engaged. Very witty! Thanks bunches

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