Have trouble sticking to your diet? Here's what to do.

Sticking to your diet is pretty easy if you eat every meal at home, alone, where you can pick the foods and set the portion sizes and weigh and count and track everything.

But what about eating out? And holidays? And special occasions? And parties? And every other similar situation that takes us out of our eating comfort zone?

How are we supposed to stick to our diet then?

Good question, and this article has an answer.

Check it out… Diet vs Life: How to Stick to Your Diet When Life Gets in the Way

6 thoughts on “Have trouble sticking to your diet? Here's what to do.”

  1. Thanks for this article. I really needed it. I’ve lost 17 lbs and worry about gaining back, so I’m just sticking with my healthy habits. But there have been a few family parties where I have indulged a little bit. At first I was worried. However, thanks to your site, I eat mostly healthy and these little indulgences are not showing up on the scale. 🙂

  2. I have found the information here to be quite useful. I have also lost about 8 pounds. I can see the changes to my body and I can’t wait for the end results.

  3. Here I am again!

    Your website helped me stay on track when I was pregnant for the better part of 2010. I gained the recommended 25-30 lbs (27 to be exact) and didn’t go overboard, though I did listen to my body if I was still hungry.

    Now my baby is 5 months and I’m back to my normal weight. 🙂


    In the last 4 years, I have lost 115 lbs. The last 6 months, I found myself plateauing and struggled to know why. I started using your calorie counter which I found to be very user friendly and really quick. The articles are great too. I can’t thank you enough. I still have 47 pounds to lose yet but I know with the help of your website, I can do it.

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