The Greatest Weight Loss Article Of All Time

Alright, so it may be a tiny exaggeration. And even if it wasn’t, my opinion may be slightly biased considering that I am the writer. And sure, using fun attention-getting titles is something I’m a big fan of doing. However, what I can say with absolute certainty is that “the greatest weight loss article of all time” is exactly what I set out to put together.

A couple of weeks ago I mentioned that this is the week when millions of people around the world make their New Year’s Resolutions. I also mentioned that the #1 resolution may very well be to lose weight.

I then mentioned something that probably sounded a bit strange… that you should not spend a second of your time doing anything weight loss related. Don’t research. Don’t learn. Don’t buy. Whatever you do, don’t go out and look for weight loss. My reason for this of course was that I was going to “bring weight loss to you.”

And now, as promised, I present to you (I’m also a huge fan of overly dramatic introductions)…

The Ultimate Weight Loss Guide

As for a brief description, I’ll let its first paragraph do the describing:

This is it, folks. This is the first, last and only weight loss article you will EVER need to read. Only, this is much more than an article. This, my friends, is a guide. In fact, it’s the ultimate weight loss guide. It’s a collection of every single thing you will ever need to know about losing weight. Every helpful tip, every useful fact… it’s all here, compiled in one place, just for you.

If you need to lose weight, this is EVERYTHING you’ll need.

Oh, and Happy New Year!

136 thoughts on “The Greatest Weight Loss Article Of All Time”

  1. I have lost approximately 37 pounds in 5 1/2 months doing exactly what is recommended in this article. The truth is, it works! Counting calories eaten and burned is key. I use the calorie tracker at which allows me to go back and review past weight levels and calories and sure enough, if there was a week that I gained a pound (around the holidays), there would be a corresponding increase in calories consumed for that week.

    One other thing I do which seems to help is to estimate high on the calories eaten and low on the calories burned if I have to estimate something. This gives me just a little cushion.

  2. I really love this site and like some other have mentioned, I am so very thankful it is free. I have never been a fad dieter, but after having a child, it has been very hard to drop the weight. I have been tracking my calorie intake for a little over a month and not seeing great results. Of course I am not weighing myself either because the scale can often leave me unmotivated and feeling depressed. This site was the encouragement I needed to keep doing what I am doing and giving me some great ideas for the future. I think weighing myself once a week can help me keep track of my goals and let me know if I need to make changes. I will recommend this site to anyone that is interested in weight loss.

  3. Thank you for posting a free guide to weight loss. The idea behind it is great and for the first time ever actually makes sense, I’ll be starting this guide soon, when my new job starts paying that is.

  4. Thank you for the simplicity. It is unbelievable how much rubbish I have believed and practiced trhoughout so many years. Thank you again and have a very happy life. With your simple facts I will work hard toward losing the weight I do not need anymore, and most important of all, now I will be following simple, sensible and true facts……believe me, I cannot thank you enough…………

  5. I have read articles about weight loss for over 50 years and this is the best and most easily understood of them all. I have lost 36 pounds in the weeks before I read the article and have another 14 to go but with my understanding of the principles feel that it will be no problem.

  6. Great article, absolutely everything you need to know. I do have one suggestion to add that I didn’t see in the article, unless I missed it. During the weight loss process I believe it is critical to “WRITE IT DOWN”! Everything, every single bite, drinks too, even the zero calorie ones, and the exercise too. This really helps to keep you accountable to the process, and is great information to look back on when the scale doesn’t cooperate at times to see where you may have strayed. I lost over 80 lbs. over a year ago, and still continue to keep a food/exercise log. I believe it is instrumental in my efforts to keep the weight off.

  7. This article is amazing. Straight to the point and doesn’t cost a thing. I have been following these suggestions for about 4 months and I’m already down to my goal weight. I used to get caught up on gimmicks, of course, its everything you WANT to hear! The truth is its about healthier foods, and calories out vs. in. Thank you and I’m recommending this to anyone I know that struggles with weight loss!

  8. I cannot thank you enough for this article. This has made so much more sense than anything else I’ve looked into! I have even been at the point where I’d try to throw up (thank god that i could’nt get myself to do it) anf look into some pro-anorexia stuff, but it never made sense to me so I didn’t try it. If I had not found this article now, who knows what I would’ve tried, and who know’s what I would have become in a few years. All I have become now, thanks to you, is determined and confident. I will lose my stubborn weight once and for all. This may come off as cheesy but there is no other way to put this. Thanks again.

  9. “if you can’t explain it simply, you don’t understand it well enough.” -a einstein

    this article is as simple as it is informative. really the end-all be-all of weight management, this information simply could not be stated in a more pure manner than you have accomplished. i really appreciate the time, effort and insight you put into this guide. a truly good find.

  10. Awsssummm article…I was very depressed of my weight and was simply surfing sites to find sumthing…
    and i found ur blog which was sooper amazingly written…I am so much motivated right now that i want to try such things of calorie control right now…but i had already had my dinner…(:P)..But i will surely start following this guide from tmrw itself and let myself know of the result …
    Thanks a tonne for this article..Thanks again…

  11. Just wanted to say that I read your article. It was A-MAZING and answered so many questions that I have had for a long time. Thank you so much!

    Also, it was very well written and had amusing side notes!

    Thanks again!


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