How many calories are there in Soup, split pea with ham and bacon, canned, condensed, single brand?

Here you will find the full nutrition facts for Soup, split pea with ham and bacon, canned, condensed, single brand including calories, protein, carbs, fat and much more.

To make sure you are viewing the most accurate nutrition information possible, select a serving size that best represents the actual amount that you are eating. To do this, a Calorie Counter gives you two options.

The first option is to select the predetermined serving size from the drop-down menu that you feel is the closest to your amount.

However, for the most accurate nutritional information possible, weigh your exact serving on a digital food scale to find out its exact weight (in either grams or ounces). Then, enter that amount in as the serving size.

This option will ensure that the nutrition facts shown are 100% accurate for your specific amount of Soup, split pea with ham and bacon, canned, condensed, single brand.

Nutrition Facts

Serving Size: 1 package yields (326g)

  • Calories 456.587
  • Total Fat 7.498 g
    • Saturated Fat 2.204 g
    • Trans Fat 0
    • Monounsaturated Fat 2.908 g
    • Polyunsaturated Fat 1.431 g
  • Cholesterol 9.78 mg
  • Sodium 2376.54 mg
  • Total Carbohydrate 69.112 g
    • Dietary Fiber 9.78 g
    • Sugars 0
  • Protein 28.036 g
  • Ash 8.15 g
  • Water 213.204 g
  • Iron, Fe 5.183 mg
  • Vitamin A, IU 489 IU
  • Carotene, beta 293.4 µg